I don't think that God has anything more to do with his "Physical" nation of Israel. They where given to destruction in the first century and for the most part their preisthood was lost. God now has a new arrangement with all of mankind that goes beyond one nation. To think that Israel still holds some plan in it all is something I think most of us really arn't thinking about.
By the way, I guess there really must not be an answer to my question. I'm going to tackle some "Active" members about this one. Thanks guys.
drew sagan
JoinedPosts by drew sagan
1914 question
by drew sagan input aside all of the 607 b.c.e., there is another question that i'm not familiar with and mabyee some of you know what there explanation is, or if they don't even address the issue.
we are all familiar with the account in daniel chapter five, and nebuchadnezzars dream about the tree.
daniels explanation of this dream begins: .
drew sagan
WTBS--What's the motive?
by lynnmelo inmy sister and i have speculated for quite some time about the possible motives of the gb and all others in charge of the wtbs, i.e., their raison d'etre, so to speak.
after finding out about some of the history of the wtbs and the supposed f&ds, i realized that they weren't god's spokepeople on earth.
but, then, what's their motive for all the work they're doing in the organization?
drew sagan
I agree with ozziepost. These people really think they are in a special relationship with God. From the average publisher on the way up. Ray Franzs books attest to this fact. No conspiracy, no super evil demonic motives. Instead its men who think they are God ordained, acting like men do.
Just like you and I believed in the Watchtower at one point or another, in the same manner current members continue to believe. -
1914 question
by drew sagan input aside all of the 607 b.c.e., there is another question that i'm not familiar with and mabyee some of you know what there explanation is, or if they don't even address the issue.
we are all familiar with the account in daniel chapter five, and nebuchadnezzars dream about the tree.
daniels explanation of this dream begins: .
drew sagan
Nothing happened at that time? The dream of the tree pictured just what happened to Nebuchadnezzar. Where are they getting the idea that the dream goes beyond that, and somehow applies to Gods rulership? Daniel was given DIVINE INSTRUCTION as to the meaning of the dream, I don't see anything in his explanation that tells me that the tree somehow stands for anything but Nebuchadnezzars rulership. I still feel like i'm missing something. The Watchtower leaves holes in some of its theories, but this one seems so big. Am I missing something?
1914 question
by drew sagan input aside all of the 607 b.c.e., there is another question that i'm not familiar with and mabyee some of you know what there explanation is, or if they don't even address the issue.
we are all familiar with the account in daniel chapter five, and nebuchadnezzars dream about the tree.
daniels explanation of this dream begins: .
drew sagan
Put aside all of the 607 B.C.E., there is another question that I'm not familiar with and mabyee some of you know what there explanation is, or if they don't even address the issue.
We are all familiar with the account in Daniel chapter five, and Nebuchadnezzars dream about the tree. Daniels explanation of this dream begins:
20 “‘The tree that you beheld, that grew great and became strong and the height of which finally reached the heavens and which was visible to all the earth, 21 and the foliage of which was fair, and the fruit of which was abundant, and on which there was food for all; under which the beasts of the field would dwell, and on the boughs of which the birds of the heavens would reside, 22 it is you, O king, because you have grown great and become strong, and your grandeur has grown great and reached to the heavens, and your rulership to the extremity of the earth.
The Tree as explained by Daniel is a symbol of Nebuchadnezzars rulership. But this is where my questions arises. The new book "What does the Bible REALLY Teach?" says about this tree on page 217:
In the Bible, trees are sometimes used to represent rulership.(Ezekiel 17:22-24;31:2-5) So the chopping down of the symbolic tree represents how God's rulership, as expressed through the kings at Jerasulem, would be interrupted.
Am I the only one who is doing a "WTF!!!?" after this? Daniel says this tree is symbolic of the rulership of Nebuchadnezzar, A FALSE WORSHIPER, Then the Watchtower goes on to say how this represents GODS RULERSHIP?????
COULD THERE BE A BIGGER CONTRAST??? AM I MISSING SOMETHING? Help me out guys, I'm having troubble with this one. Thanks -
drew sagan
I would hope to see a balanced documentary. In my personal opinion the Watchtower is simply a more extreme example of what most of the religions on this earth contain (I'm not saying there arn't other extreme groups out there because we all know of groups that are as bad or worse as the Witnesses). What i'm getting at is a movie that would use the Witnesses as an example of the bigger picture. One that shows how man made religious domination is everywhere. Just a thought.
I got a delivery today from Commentary Press.....
by troubled mind ini'm so excited , i'm almost giddy .
wow ,ray has a lot to say, these books are thick !
which one should i start with or does it matter ?
drew sagan
I had to order the books from a local store and then pick them up. It is so strange that something as simple as a book could make me feel so nervous. I found myself saying "i can't believe it has come to this point, I'm affraid to own a book".
"keep doing this in remembrance of me"
by totalee ini have re-posted this thread on the advice of another site member.
why is it ok to celebrate a wedding anniversary but not a birthday?
i can understand christmas, easter, halloween and valentines day but birthdays, thanksgiving, mother's day and father's day don't have religious or murderous origins.
drew sagan
Jehovahs Witnesses actually believe that the ransom of Christ Jesus applies to the majority of people by extention. Those "anointed" ones who make up the 144,000 are the partakers at the memorial. Those of the "other sheep" or "great crowd" which make up the majority of the members do not question this for many reasons. The main one being that their believe in EARTHLY LIFE has been so strongly forced upon them, hence no need to partake. The reasoning book and other publications actually state that Christs Ransom only applies by extention to the "great crowd". Like other religions, those in the Watchtower never question what they are told, instead they accept all information as it is presented, no questions asked.
My website: www.reexamine.org
by reexaminer ingreetings.. i have started a project that i hope will stay online for times indefinate, even to times indefinate.
you can find it at www.reexamine.org .. i started working on it in october and it is still a work in progress, however because of the shut down of the website located at http://quotes.watchtower.ca i felt that i should release the site in "as-is" condition, instead of waiting until it was completely finished.. currently, there isn't a lot of content in the 'wiki' section of the website.
hopefully in the next few days and weeks that will change, however there are still programming issues that i have to work out before that can happen.
drew sagan
nice site, keep up the good work.
How much written in this Forum can be believed?
by Spectrum ini want to turn this forum on its head for this thread.
i'm here on this forum to find as many truths as is possible relating to jwism.
i'm not really here to stick the boot in although once in a while my emotions might get the better of me.
drew sagan
How much is to be believed? Remember that this is a discussion board. Is discussion allways factual? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It's really up to you to make your own decision. There are people on this board whose opinions I admire, others I shake my head at. Thast just the way it is, so use your better judgement.
Biblical Unitarians?
by serendipity indoes anyone have any experience or knowledge of biblical unitarians?
i've looked at their website and was surprised at how many beliefs they have in common with jws.
they seem to be kind of like bible students without the wacky pyramid stuff and the dates.
drew sagan
I've looked into the unitarians. I see that "Biblical Unitarians" are probably differant that the regular Unitarians that basically say you can believe in anything you want.
As a former Watchtower believer other "Bible' groups don't interest me. I like to hold on to my own opinion and conclusion and not be baby fed spoonfuls of somebody elses stuff. The Unitarians seem to be another fringe group that can be added to the list of things i'm staying away from.